Sunday, October 12, 2014

Time for a Web-Based Interview!

Let's say you've finished your application and have been given a Web-based Interview invitation! :)

Some people say that they found this interview to be very hard and others found it very easy. I am inclined to say it was more toward the easy side, but it is only easy if you are very focused and know how to properly answer the questions! It says in the invitation to take it somewhere quiet without distractions--that is not advice to be ignored!! When I took mine I needed complete silence in order to focus on the questions, because some of them are confusing, and the last set of questions are timed so you have to work fast! Close your door, turn off your music and your phone, make sure you have battery power on your computer and a good connection to the internet :)

First the interview will ask you some basic questions that are not timed, questions about your lifestyle and school and working for disney. These are pretty straight forward and should be easy to answer properly if you are really wanting to work for disney!

Next you will have some multiple choice questions that are mostly situational, and are timed at 45 seconds each to answer. My advice is to click the answer you first think is right before going back and re-reading, just so that you don't run out of time without having chosen an answer at all.

The last section has probably the easiest questions, but you also have the least amount of time to answer them--20 seconds. They will give you a statement, such as "I am always on time." You will choose either strongly agree, agree, neutrual, disagree, or strongly agree. The key to this section is to be certain in your answers, so pick "strongly agree" or "strongly disagree" whenever possible. This is the section where I tend to go cross eyed from staring at the screen so long, but you have to just stay focused and not let the time limit freak you out because the answers should be pretty straight forward as long as you think about each question and put your best foot forward. Now is not the time to think about that one time you were late to work three years ago--if you are usually on time, say so! People always say to be honest on the WBI and that is true, just don't try so hard to be honest that you under sell yourself.

Once your hand is cramping and you are beginning to wonder if the questions will never end, suddenly a new screen will appear that will say you passed and now you need to set up a phone interview!! Honestly, if you really have a heart for Disney and are a strong worker, you should have no problem answering the questions on the interview. Yes I finished the WBI feeling a little self-centered because I had just answered so many questions saying how wonderful I was, but that is okay. Disney wants to see that you have confidence in your abilitys, not uncertainty. 

The interview says it could take up to 40 minutes but I know a lot of people passed it much faster than that. I, on the other hand, took almost all of the time but that may be because I read over every question multiple times and made sure I was reading it correctly, especially on the first ones that were not timed. It really depends on the person. I have heard of people passing who actually ran out of time on a couple questions and didn't put an answer, and still passed. Just rememeber to stay focused, read carefully, and don't get hung up by repetive questions or freaked out by the timer.

Good Luck!:)

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