Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Last Step…Completing Your Phone Interview

Okay, before you start stressing about your phone interview, take a minute to congratulate yourself on making it this far! Getting a phone interview with the Walt Disney Company is a great accomplishment!

Don't psych yourself out about the interview, because it is honestly very simple! The interviewers are all VERY nice and friendly, and want you to feel comfortable! Here are a list of things to think about before your interview:

1. Why do you want to do the Disney College Program?

    This question may seem obvious--who wouldn't want to work at Disney World? But this is an something almost everyone gets asked during their interview, and you want to have thought about some good reasons that you want to do the program. For example, I told my interviewer that I've always looked up to Disney Cast Members and have always wanted to be apart of making the Disney magic for guests like they did for me. I also mentioned that I want to meet new people, gain new work skills, and that I would like to become an imagineer someday so this could be a first step to reaching that dream for me.

2. Which roles you are most qualified for?

     Recently, interviewers have been asking which roles you are most qualified for, instead of simply asking which roles you are most interested in. So besides having an idea of what your top 3 or 4 roles are, think of some reasons why you think you are qualified for them. I said I was qualified for Custodial Guest Services because of my thorough knowledge of the parks and my wish to share that knowledge with guests. For Merchandise I said my love for shopping and making others have a memorable shopping experience made me a good fit for the role, and for Costuming I mentioned my appreciation for all the Disney Costumes and my love of working with fabrics. If you have job experience that would pertain to the role you want, mention that as well.

3. Questions for your Interviewer!

    At the end of your interview, he or she will ask for any questions. You should have at least a couple questions thought out to ask! I asked my interviewer if she had ever done the Disney College Program herself, which she was happy to answer--apparently DCP was how she got her start working for Disney as well! I also asked her if she could tell me more about Disney Classes, which she did.

A few other tips for during the interview:

     -Smile! You will sound much more enthusiastic and friendly if you smile as you speak.

      -Write down or remember your interviewers name so that at the end of your interview you can say "Thank you ____!" This is a good idea in any interview, it shows that you are attentive!

      -Make sure your phone works before the interview!

      -Go somewhere quiet so your interviewer isn't interrupted by dogs barking or kids shouting.

I will admit, I prepared a LOT before my phone interview. I typed out Q's and my A's to almost every question I found online, and taped them to my wall so I could see them during the interview. However, since I had spent so long going over my answers, I didn't hardly looked at my notes at all during the interview! My answers just came naturally from memory. I was surprised how much I remembered. So whether or not you make notes, I would advise looking up some of the questions online and thinking about what you want to say to them.

Probably the hardest part about this step is not knowing how you did afterward! Unlike the Web-Based Interview; when you are told instantly whether or not you passed; after the phone interview you won't know for quite sometime whether or not you are going to be accepted. I had my phone interview September second, and was accepted October second, but I've known people who got accepted a week after, and some who had to wait months!

Just try not to stress, and in the meantime join your programs Facebook group or get on the DisBoards or another social media group to talk to other students who are also playing the waiting game! It really does help to pass the time and keep down the stress level.

Again, good luck and have a magical day! :)

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