Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Application for DCP!

Today I'm going to write about the beginning of the application process--filling out an application and taking your web-based interview!

One of the slightly frusterating parts to applying is that Disney does not tell you an exact date to expect the apps to become available for your program. For my program (Spring 2015) Disney said applications would come out early September, but it turned out they came out in late August instead. The Program is not first-come first-serve so you don't need to rush to apply, but I wanted to apply as soon as possible. I applied August 26th.

The application is not difficult! It will ask for past job experience, and it only gives you space for about six, so if you have a lot of experiance, pick the jobs that you think would most pertain to a job with disney, and/or the roles you put high interest in. I have heard of people getting accepted who did not have any experiance at all, so don't feel like you can't apply if you haven't had a job before.

The other main part of the application is the Roles section. Here it will give you the descriptions for all the different roles, and you can rate them at no interest, low interest, mid interest and high interest. When I applied, I put some interest in EVERY role, even if it was only low interest, just so that I would have a better chance of getting in the program. The only role I put no interest in was lifeguard, because I can't swim to save my own life, much less someone else's! :) Of course, if there's a role you really would not be happy with, don't put interest in it, but none of the jobs are that difficult or horrible. I put high interest in five roles, mid interest in four, and low interest in nine.

After you have sent in your application, keep your fingers crossed and your eyes on your Disney job dashboard, because within the first 24 hours after applying, two things could happen:

1. You get sent an email to contiune on to the web-based interview--yay! This is what happened to me, I got my email for the WBI about 10 hours after sending in my application. Your status will say "in progress" or "action required, web-based interview."

2. You are put into "submission" and do not recieve an email to do your web-based interview. This means that for some reason, Disney has not looked at your application yet and has set you aside for the time being until later when they may decide to look over your application. This is sad because in past seasons, people have stayed in submission throughout the entire application season and eventually got NLIC (No Longer In Consideration) without getting a chance to do the Web-Based Interview. This season, submissioners were kept on hold for about a month before being pulled out and sent web-based interviews. This is what happened to my friend who applied with me. She had all but given up hope on getting into the program, but now she has done her web-based and her phone interviews!

So don't lose hope if you are put in submission, just know you are in for a bit of a wait and may never get looked at by Disney at all :( In submission, your dashboard status will change from "in progress," to "submission."

Part two of the process will be up shortly--The Web-Based Interview! :)

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