Thursday, October 16, 2014

My Catastrophic DCP Phone Interview

Those of you who are preparing for your phone interviews, you've probably heard a lot of stories about how wonderful peoples phone interviews were, and how great they felt afterward…I read many of those myself before my interview. People say how smoothly it went, how natural it felt….and after reading all of those, I was feeling like my interview would have to be pretty darn perfect if I wanted to have even a chance at an acceptance!

Do you want to know the truth about my interview?

Riding around the Seven Seas Lagoon on the Monorail from the Grand Floridan to Magic Kingdom

...It was practically a disaster!

My land line phone was not working so I could barely hear her and had to ask her to repeat herself over and over again! Half to the questions she asked I couldn't understand so I just guessed, giving her the best answers i could to what I figured she had said. She finally said she would call me back on my cell phone to see if that worked better. Then I missed the call because I had set my cell phone on "do not disturb," since I didn't expect to use that phone for the interview! The interviewers call comes from a blocked number that you can't call back and I panicked, thinking I had just missed my one chance at getting into the program! Thankfully, my interviewer called again in about a minute and I answered instantly! After all that I answered all her Q's and managed to still sound positive and bubbly, but inside I was super shaky and stressed! I was sure I had butchered most the questions. At the end, I kept accidentally cutting her off, and said "Thank you Debbie!" at least three times which must have sounded ridiculous!

So you can imagine my surprise when exactly a month later I got my acceptance letter!

Moral of the Story: Your phone interview DOES NOT have to be perfect! If you come across as a person Disney want to have in their company and make a good impression, you may get accepted even if you make some of mistakes!

Not saying you should use a junky phone or miss your interviewer's call, but if it happens, roll with it! That way your interviewer sees a real-life example of how you react in difficult situations! Try to make the best of it, and your interviewer will notice that. It could even work in your favor!

""It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily. "And freezing." "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately."" ~Winnie The Pooh

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