Sunday, January 4, 2015

Less Then One Month to Go!!!

Well Hello Everyone!

Can you believe check-in for the program is in less then ONE MONTH?!?!?
December was such a busy month, I had utterly no time to write, or even think about DIsney very much, so I have a lot of catching up to do!

I worked 35-40 hours every week last month, and was switched from cashiering to guest services, which means I spent my entire 8 hour shift standing at the service desk answering phones, processing returns and helping customers with their layaways, online pick-up orders, or other questions. It was a really challenging position, but I learned a LOT, and feel that I have so much more experience than I did before I started at Toys R Us!

Disneyland Monorail in Tomorrowland
It was also my first job with such long hours--my last job I got about 20 hours a week. This was nice, since the minimum work week at DIsney is usually 35 hours, I was happy to get the experience of working that much now so I am prepared for it. I actually found it to not be that much work at all; in fact, at the beginning of the job before Christmas break, I was handling 6 hours of class before work, and then going to work in the late afternoon for a 6-8 hour shift, and still managed to stay on top of things with finals and homework! Obviously during busy season Disney's work hours go up to the 50's and 60's, but during the slow season, I feel like I will still have adequent free time if I work 40 hours or so.

So, besides that, a few things have been happening in the DCP world! For the past month I have been receiving plenty of emails from Disney, reminding me about different aspects of the program such as Educational Opportunities, The Disney Look, A tax credit form to fill out, and a DORMS update telling me when to expect to be able to get on and fill that out for housing options. I also received an email about a new arrival date Disney was asking people to switch to if they like, which was in early March. I thought that was sort of weird, why would anyone want to switch to March? I think February is late enough as it is!

Finally, on Christmas Eve I received my new hire email, which had a password and link to a site where I had to fill out information about myself and if I had any dependents or a spouse. I also had to read about 12 documents and "sign" that I read them. The only problem was that it was not letting me click the "Sign and Submit" button not the documents. I tried downloading the new Adobe and tried all different browsers, but finally came to the conclusion that it just doesn't really work on a Mac. My plan now is to try my Dad's windows computer later and hopefully that will work!

I also got one last email on my one-month-out-from-check-in day which was just letting me know that check in is coming soon, and I need to fill out the new hire stuff. I can't believe how fast all of this is coming up! In my next post I will discuss my travel plans and packing ideas and everything else going on as far as my preparations for the move.

Have a Magical Day!

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