Monday, December 1, 2014

Signing up for Disney Classes!

Welcome back everybody!

Wow, things have got really busy recently! Between Thanksgiving, working black friday at Toys R Us, and finals approaching, I never even realized until today that I never posted about signing up for Disney classes! So I am going to take a little bit of time to tell you all about the process.

The Syllabus for Exploring Guest Services Seminar Course
On the onboarding site for DCP, there is a page where you can read all Disney class syllabi and decide what classes you would like to take. DCP has two main types of courses. The collegiate courses, which are college-level courses with homework and textbooks, have a small cost and are about four hours long, once a week. Some Universities give credit for these classes, but sadly mine does not. The other kind of classes Disney offers are seminar courses, which are two hours long once a week and have no homework or textbooks. The classes I was interested in were Exploring Disney Heritage, and Exploring Guest Services, both of which are seminar classes.

The Registration page, which hours prior had said registration began at 12am EST
Class sign-ups were supposed to be November 10th at 12am EST, so 9pm on November 9th for me over in the Pacific time zone. However, a few hours before that the DORMS website randomly changed to say sign ups would not be until 10 am EST the next morning! This was really random, and stressed a lot of people out who had plans that morning! I didn't think it was really quite fair of Disney to change it at the last minute like that without sending out an email or anything letting us all know. But if there is anything I have learned through the entire DCP process, it is that Disney works in strange and  mysterious ways, and no one will ever truly understand it.

The email I got after requesting a temporary password to get into DORMS
So I got up at 7am PST that morning, and had to get a temporary password to get onto the DORMS site in order to register. When 7am hit, the site started crashing, and everyone on the Facebook pages were panicking because they couldn't get the site to work! It took me almost an hour of refreshing the page over and over before I could finally get onto the actual sign up page to see what class times were available for the classes I wanted. Thankfully, Disney Heritage still had a class with spots available, and the other class I wanted to take was available as well! After I submitted my registration I received a confirmation email, and I was all set!

After registering, I could log onto DORMS and see the classes I was signed up for, including the class number, time, date and location of the class.
The process was stressful for many because Disney never sent any instructions on how to sign up for the classes, and many were confused by the fact that we went through DORMS to sign up. Sadly, many of my friends were unable to get into the classes they wanted to take and were put on the wait list because they couldn't figure out how to get into DORMS or couldn't make it to the class sign up time since Disney changed the time at the last minute. The only reason I didn't have all that much trouble was because I was watching the Facebook page and doing whatever seemed to be working for everyone else.

It wasn't easy, but I definitely wouldn't stress about it. Just keep an eye on the registration time incase it changes like mine did!

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