Yesterday was the day! I woke up at the horrible hour of 4:15 AM, and managed to get all my last minute activities taken care of. I arrived at the airport at 6:15 with all my luggage, ready to go! (Or as ready as I'd ever be!)
It was really hard saying goodbye to my family, knowing I wont see them again for at least four months until they come to visit, but more then that, it was just hard to leave Oregon in general, knowing how far I was going and how long I was going to be gone! Florida is pretty much one of the very farthest states from's about 3,000 miles!
Thank goodness Laura and Dereck, who I met at the Oregonian DCP meet up, were flying with me because I can't imagine traveling all that way alone. I think I would have lost my mind, so props to all of you who flew long distances alone, I don't know how you do it!
In Kansas City we landed to switch flights and realized that a lot of flights were being canceled due to the bad weather in the east--as you can see from the picture, it was pretty cold even there in Kansas City! But thankfully our flight was fine.
After another two and a half hours, we arrived at Orlando Airport. It felt so amazing to be back!!
We got on the magical express and headed to our hotel, the Art of Animation! The ride was lovely, though I was disappointed that we didn't go underneath the Disney World sign--I thought they always do that!
Our room is just like the one I stayed at the first time I stayed here, and it was so exciting to see it again--for a value resort, the room theming is so impressive!
Then we were starving and Laura's roommates were in Downtown Disney, so I went down there with them and had lots of fun! I haven't spent a lot of time in DTD before so it was very exciting to see everything.
We even got the chance to drive through the magic kingdom gate on the way to the Contemporary, which was gorgeous even though it was closed, and then we went to IHOP for some real early breakfast!
Now I am on my way to check-in in twenty minutes, and I couldn't be more excited to find out if all my roommates will room together, and what my work location will be!! I will most certainly be posting all about it very soon. Thanks for reading, and have a magical day!:D
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