Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sad Day…

Hello fellow Disney lovers!

As some of you may know, the acceptance period for the Spring and Spring Advantage 2015 Disney College Program ended on Monday, and a lot of people got rejected. Sadly, my best friend who applied with me was one of them :( We knew there was a chance she wouldn't make it in, but it was still hard to hear. Since we applied together, we had high hopes of experiencing this incredible adventure together, but it looks like it is not meant to be this term.
City Hall on Main Street USA
However, she is planning to apply again for Fall Advantage Program, which starts in May, so that we may get to at least spend the summer there together. It is going to be hard to leave her behind, especially since we have been practically attached at the hip since we met in ninth grade, but she is very supportive of me going. We are already planning a trip for her to come out and visit me during my program!

In the days before the acceptance period ended, many people on the Facebook page talked about a huge wave of acceptance going out on the last day…I never saw any such wave. It was mostly just a whole lot of NLIC's--it was definitely a sad day for a lot of people. But the good news is that now everyone who is going to get in, is in, and we can all start preparing for the move!
The Soundsational Parade

For those of you who are curious about the details, she applied on the very first day applications opened up, and waited until the very last day of the acceptance period before finally getting her No Longer In Consideration email. She was put into submission right after she submitted her application. However, she was taken out about a month later and passed both her Web-Based-Interview and her Phone Interview. It was an especially long journey for her, and it makes me so much more grateful for being given the spot that I received in this terms program! It was a long, hard journey. If you weren't accepted this time, don't give up! I know the process is hard, but if you keep pushing towards your dream, you've got to get there eventually! And for those of us who made it to the other side--Congratulations! I can't wait to meet you all in Florida! 74 days until Check In at Walt Disney World! :D

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